But, enough of the serious stuff. Let's talk about fun things we are doing. We don't have much money so fun things are a bit limited. However, we are up for the challenge. Tonight, we got student tickets to the dress rehearsal of the opera War and Peace by Prokofiev. While the staging lacked some pizazz and some of the singers were just marking (singing at half voice), it was still very well done and I especially like the second half dealing with the war. I found that ironic since while reading War and Peace with Joseph, it was the peace time sections that I liked the best.
Okay, this is boring you. No, no, don't disagree, I can tell by how you are reading this. Fine, I'll just move on to something that has pictures to accompany it.
Last week, Joseph and I went to the Word on the Street, which is a book festival with authors and publishers and all sorts of cool things for literary nerds like me. First we stopped by the Victoria College's (part of University of Toronto) annual book sale. It was located in this amazingly beautiful building:
After that we headed to the publishers' tents to look at books that they had on sale. However, it was a sale on the Canadian price of books and that made them cost about as much as we could get them for in the US not on sale.
However, the highlight for me was not an author or even a book, but the TVO kid's stage. On the stage was Jackie, who was teaching kids how to dance. I thought it was quite enjoyable. I think kids would have fun checking out those dance moves online, which I linked to above.
After walking around Word on the Street, Joseph and I walked a little ways to Kensington Market.

Kensington Market is less market then a conglomeration of grain stores, organic stands, street performances, fruit markets, bakeries, over-priced restaurants and a colorful crowd of people. One thing that caught my attention was the Community Vehicular Reclamation Project:

Isn't that an awesome planter?
While in Kensington Market, Joseph and I bought a huge empanada that was filled with beef and kimchi! It was surprisingly delicious. Yum Yum Yum.

Word on the Street, what a brilliant name. You didn't see WordGirl and Li'l Mi'ens on the kids stage, did you?
...and, every time I see Prokofiev's name I think of the time back in my budding middle school musician days when a girl said, "we're playing romeo and juliet, by what's that guy's name? pro-ko-five?" To this day I still read it that way.
I like the one with the empanada. Yum-yum indeed.
I can't wait to come visit you guys up there.
Looks exciting- and it looks like you two are finding plenty to do even thought the cash flow isn't your best friend :0) Jon and I understand that. I love art in the park type of things- Canada looks cool. I like the car that is now a planter pot. Oh and I like Joseph's beard.
congrats on the job, any job that gets you out of the house is better than no job in my opnion.
nice beard!!
i think you could probably sell prints of some of your fantastic photography on etsy. just saying.
looks like I need to pester you again. please claire, tell me what has been happening the past 3 months!
I know you told me not to come until you said you were done redesigning and had posted again, but I did. Sorry.
But then I had to share this:
I just glanced over at your blog list on the right and read "Women in the Scriptures Blog" as "Women in the Scripture Bag." What?
Licken the scriptures?
I was lookin' at it quick...
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