I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm insane and that it is not going to go away; actually, it will most likely get worse. I've also realized that I'm most likely never going to be able to sustain a normal, healthy relationship with a guy, and since I'm not attracted to women this means I will most likely be single forever. It's that or being in an unhealthy relationship, but I would rather not commit myself to that kind of relationship since that would only drive me more insane. So, I'm currently envisioning futures for the slightly insane single intellectual woman that I plan on being. These are my ideas so far:
1. Become that awesome professor that is awesome because they are insane. I will make connections no one else can and write papers no one else can understand.
2. Move to a Greek island and write amazing phantasmagoric epics while achieving a perfect tan, learning modern greek, reading ancient greek, and learning how to sail so I can go and speak with my cousin nereids and my other more fishy friends.
3. Live on a street corner in Paris making fun of the french language and making my living by doing caricatures in my most abstract style, telling people that I am painting their auras.
4. Live in a quaint cottage on the edge of the woods just outside a little town with about 23 cats to keep me company. I'd spend my days drawing, painting, writing, talking to inanimate objects, gardening, and cooking. I would also dole out amazing advice to the pilgrims that make the trek out to my remote abode for that purpose.
This is an awfully difficult decision. Which would you do? and which should I do?
(if you question whether or not I'm really insane, 1) you don't know me really well and 2) go read my post why i fear the night to get a glimpse of my mind)
3 weeks ago
Definitely number 2. Number three would be good too but it probably wouldn't do well for your non-broken bones and non-crushed spirits. Then again, I hear the French are push-overs. There's only one way to find out.
I have a hunch that there is some way you could combine options 1 and 3.
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