However, the birthday was, overall, awesome. First, my mom sent me flowers:
Then Joseph came home from school with roses and a cute little cake from a bakery called Flour. It was so adorable and very yummy.
I loved it:
After a nice dinner at a near by Indian restaurant, Joseph took me to an art supplies store and let me pick out some stuff for my birthday gift. It was a great idea because Joseph doesn't like picking out gifts and I love art supplies!
I also received daffodils from my visiting teachers:
Definitely a good birthday!
Sounds like a good one. Flowers, goodies, presents, more flowers! I love that you guys like Indian food- Jon and I love Indian and Thai :0)
Happy Birthday (a month ago) and don't feel bad about being a quarter of a century- I am still older then you, and have been out of school for much (much) longer ! :0)
Happy belated!
I've never been to a birthday party.
Do they hurt?
He loves you soooooooo much. I'm makin' the cake!
We shall celebrate your birthday once more with one of those beautiful cakes when I come to visit.
daffodils are so happy. and that's a great shot.
Happy Birthday Claire! I know what you mean about it being weird to be out of school. I had MAJOR withdrawls last Sept. when Jon went back to school and I didn't. But I've decided there are lots of other ways to continue my "education" without having to be signed up for school! I'm glad you have been updating your blog more-- it is wonderful to stay in touch with you more!
happy birthday- I'm glad i can make it last a little longer. hope things are wonderful this next month. PS how's not being in school?
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